Opening Date
- February 15, 2020
Server Rates
- Weekdays Rates
- Base 60x | Job 60x | Drop 30x
- Weekends Rates
- Base 75x | Job 75x | Drop 35x
- Static Rates
- Normal Cards: 100x (1%)
- MVP: 3x
- MVP & Mini-Boss Cards: 1x (0.01%)
- Gemini, Salamander, Byorgue Cards: 0.99%
- Quest Experience: 20x
- Pet/Homunculus Intimacy: 10x
Server Settings
- Episode: 13.3+ - El Dicastes
- Server Mode: Pre-Renewal
- Emulator: Hercules
- Max Level: 99/70
- Max Stats: 99
- Max ASPD: 190
- Instant Cast: 150 dex
- Minimum delay: 0.2s (5 skills per second)
- Item usage delay: 0.1s
- Type: International Private Server
- Main Language: English
- Server time (Timezone): Estonia/Tallinn
- Homunculus/Mercenary autoloot is disabled
- Party exp. bonus: 20% per member
- Max Share Range: 20 levels
- Max Party Members: 12
- Auto-clickers is allowed only for skill spam
- Auto-potion is allowed (Potsy from our devs)
- Running multiple game clients and logging in to multiple accounts: Allowed
- Join to BG and Events in multiple game clients is not allowed and blocked by our protection
Server/Game Client Protection
- Anti-bot system and auto-detection algorithm
- Gepard Shield 3.0
- Nodelay protection (Game client side)
- Encryption of traffic
- Packet bots protection (OpenKore), WPE/RPE & DLL Injection
- Character model editing: disabled
Hosting Information:
- Game server hosted in Europe
- Main server (Netherlands):
- Test server (Germany):
- Main server (Netherlands):
- Anycast multi-proxy server (auto-choose and connect to nearest proxy)
- Proxy server 1 (Anycast):
- Proxy server 2 (Anycast):
- Proxy server 3 (SEA):
- Proxy server 1 (Anycast):
- Anti DDoS protection
- Daily Auto-Backup
Game server/client features:
- LGP is an analog of the RCX, which is integrated into the game client
- Improved positional movement of characters
- Different in-game commands that facilitate gameplay
- A great stylist who has a lot of hairstyles and palettes (Kami-Shi)
- NPC Costume Maker to create a costume item and reverse back to normal item
- Extensive quest shop with a huge number of Headgears and much more
- Claw Machine with unique prizes
- Same-sex marriage: Allowed
- Daily Reward System
- Rental BG/WoE equipments
- Smart Restock System
- Bridge between IRC in-game channels and Discord Server / Telegram Groups
- Monsters Respawn saving (after server maintenance, restart, scripts reload)
- Possibility to purchase a color of your character name and custom auras
- Banking system: Safe bank with protection against hacking, has no vulnerabilities, unlike official servers
- MvP tombstone system: Disabled
- When using the Vending skill to open a store, you can choose the currency for which the items will be sold: Zeny, Cash Points, War Badges
- BattleGrounds 2.0 (modified and improved by our team)
- New mode - Resurrection
- New Battle Room
- Free Battlegrounds Newbie Set for playing on Battlegrounds
- Conquest 2.0 (With the castle rotation)
- KVM Best of 3 mode
- Triple Inferno (With increased rewards)
- Team DeathMatch
- Helpers system on BattleGround
- Fully working command to create a vote for a change of leader or kick player (@bgvote)
- Added the buff soul link spirit only available for the soul linker class, you can not dispel the soul linker spirit but you can dispel the other buffs
- Stalker: The effect of Plagiarism does not work on Battlegrounds. Your Plagiarism skill will not be overwritten even if you were dispelled and attacked with another skill
- Available command @guildskill EC/RS/RG/BO
- The number of earned War Badges on BG depends on the number of participants
- Weekly awards for top players
- Party registration in one team (up to 3 members)
- BG shop where you can find all kinds of consumables for battles
- The possibility of buying PvM consumables in exchange for War Badges
- The following skills are disabled:
- Gospel
Attention! You can find many necessary NPCs inside the building in the custom city - Trinity
- MVP Room: Contains all common and several unique MVPs
- Warper: Free to all locations, except locations with MvP (paid service, costs 5 War Badges per warp on random coordinates on the map)
- Healer/Buffer: Free, Heal + Buff.
- Normal: Recovers Hp/Sp, gives Blessing/Agi Up (4 min), rebuff delay 3 sec.
- Pro: Recovers Hp/Sp, gives Blessing/Agi Up (10 min), Magnificat 5 lv. (90 sec), rebuff delay 1 sec. (can be obtained from Healer Manager)
- Job Master: Change your job class (including Baby Classes), get special skills, rent cart/peco/falcon for free and make an awakening
- Build manager integrated into Job Master:
- Stats/skills reset until level 86. The service is free. Cheap prices are also available for reset at high levels
- Save & Switch your builds (available only for transcendent second classes and 99/70 levels)
- Quest shop (Trinity 100, 125): Get a kawaii headgears, Costumes, Tails & Ears
- Recolor Headgears (Trinity 93, 140): Get a recolor headgears
- Global Exchanger:
- Collect and exchange unnecessary cards for an Old Card Albums
- Exchange your donation currency (Cash Points) to CP Tickets for transfer/trade between players
- Exchange your Zeny to TCG Cards. Just to accommodate a large amount of Zeny in your account. Can be used for transfer/trade between players
- Support Ticket system (Trinity 114,148)
- Get help in the game or website through Support Tickets
- Support is available in English, Russian and Spanish languages
- Events: Regular Auto-Events (every hour) + Manual Events by GMs
- Costume system: Convert your headgears to costume and back
- Stylist: 699 color clothes, 127 hair colors, 83 hair styles for free
- Custom trading location: Very comfortable marketplace to find the necessary merchants
- All-in-One Trader: Sell your items. Buy Consumables, Miscellaneous, Weapons, Arrows, etc
- Restock system: Restock items from the Kafra storage to your Inventory according to your configuration
- Modifed versions of Endless Tower and Endless Cellar
- Plagiarize: Allows you to copy skills using NPC (available for Rogues and Stalkers)
- Guild Locations (Trinity 129, 95): Rent guild location for your guild (@gogl)
- Claw Machine (Trinity 12, 110): You can try your luck playing Claw Machine
- Adele (Trinity 30, 144): Rental equipment for playing on BG/WoE
- Guild Kafra (Trinity 116, 47): Access rights are configured via Guild Menu (Alt+G), Position -> Storage Permission
- Atcmd Save (Trinity 119, 70): Allows you to save the status of in-game commands on your character after re-login on game account
- WoE Shop (Trinity 68, 101): Allows you to buy WoE Supplies for War Badges
- Viking Hraesvelg (Trinity 93, 64): Get a Base/Job experience in exchange for War Badges. Available from 80 Base Level
- Free BG Set (Trinity 50, 99): Get a Free Battlegrounds Newbie Set for playing on Battlegrounds (only for advanced jobs 90+)
- RWC Helm exchange (Trinity 17,102): Exchange pieces of RWC Helm for RWC Helm
Custom Changes
- Increased the amount of HP for all MVP
- PvP is enabled on the following maps: moc_fild22, hyd_dun01, lhz_dun03, odin_tem02, odin_tem03
- Only one MvP or Mini-Boss card can be used on Battlegrounds, the rest will be unequipped
- Dragon Set:
- Dragon Vest[1] and Dragon Manteau[1] drops from Draco(@mi 2013)
- MvP Nidhoggr's Shadow was moved to the location: nyd_dun01
- The time of rebirth (cooldown) after his death is 7 hours
- MvP is available without completing the quest. Default Quest has been disabled
- God Items Quest and God Items is disabled
- MVP slaves stop dropping items after first wave
- Ygg Berries/Seeds: Set a minimum delay of 2 seconds when using an item
- Monster Byorgue has been removed from Dead Branch list
- Falcon Assault skill has fixed cell range on 9 cells (official mechanics by default)
- Max reflect damage is limited by your Max HP value
- For Whitesmith Class: Reducing the skill cost by 10 times for Mammonite and Cart Termination (applies only on Battlegrounds)
- Fixed bug with dual Elemental Sword for Assassin Cross:
- Now you can equip Elemental Sword only on the right hand
- The Marionette skill has been changed, now it can't increase the base stat higher than 99.
- Strong Shield [1] can be equipped on every rebirth job except high novice
- Adopt menu is not working in this game client
- Use @adopt <character_name> to adopt a child or Job Changer to just change your Job to Baby Classes
- Note 1: You should be in the same party with your child/parents when you use the @adopt command
- Note 2: If you will change your Job using Job Master, you will not receive any benefits/skills from adoption
- Damage bonus for Sonic Blow under Soul Link effect is reduced from 100% to 50%
- Item bonuses that give you chance of dropping various items when you kill monsters do not work if you kill monsters that are summoned using Plant Cultivation
Modified sales prices
- Sale price for various items are decreased for economic purposes to prevent inflation:
- Green Salad - 2,000z
- Crystal Mirror - 5,000z
- Frozen Rose - 5,000z
- Witherless Rose - 5,000z
- Khukri[0] - 30,000z
- White Potion - 10z
- Blue Potion - 10z
Modified drop rate items
- Custom item drop rate changes from MvP and Mini-Boss:
- ID:2345 - Flame Spirit Armor[1] - 9%
- ID:2537 - Diabolus Manteau[1] - 0.33%
- ID:2729 - Diabolus Ring[1] - 0.99%
- ID:2701 - Orleans's Glove[1] - 0.99%
- ID:5123 - Ulle's Cap[1] - 9.99%
- ID:1228 - Combat Knife - 69%
- ID:2375 - Diabolus Armor[1] - 75%
- ID:2433 - Diabolus Boots[1] - 75%
- ID:2374 - Diabolus Robe[1] - 75%
- ID:2115 - Valk Shield [1] - 55%
- ID:4354 - Gemini-S58 Card - 0.99%
- ID:4429 - Salamander Card - 0.99%
- ID:4426 - Byorgue Card - 0.99%
- ID:7481 - Level 10 Cookbook - 3.33%
- Shows all available commands@rates
- Shows server rates@refresh
- Refresh your screen@go <0-31>
- Warps you to towns, Trinity (@go 0), Trinity Battle Zone (@go 31), Prontera (@go 15), market (@go 16)@storage
- Opens your storage@gstorage
- Opens guild storage@noks <self/party/guild>
- No kill stealing for your mobs :p@showexp
- Enable/Disable showing of gained exp from monster@exp
- Shows your base/job level & gained Exp@autoloot / @aloot
- Enable/Disable autoloot@whodrops
- Shows which monster can drop an item@whereis
- Shows where you can find monster@mobinfo / @mi
- Shows information about monster@iteminfo / @ii
- Shows information about item@time
- Shows server time@uptime
- Server online uptime@hominfo
- Shows detailed information about your Homunculus@homstats
- Shows your Homunculus stats@feelreset
- Reset 'Feeling' maps@changegm
- Transfer leadership to another member of guild@joinbg
- Join on battlegrounds@joinpvp
- Join on pvp arena@hold
- Hold your position@packetfilter / @pf <on/off/ci/cig>
- Enable/Disable packet filter. The best option for massive WoE@security
- Security system configuration@petinfo
- Display information about your pet
- Enable/Disable announces about rare item drop@displaydrop / @dd
- Notification when an item below your needed % is dropped by a monster you killed@listenbg
- Receive BG announcements.@listenwoe
- Receive WoE announcements.
- Restock items from storage@restocknpc
- Restock configuration npc@restockchange
- Fast switch between your restock lists@autorestock
- Enable/Disable autorestock (restock automaticaly when item in list is ended)
@ticket / @request
- Support ticket system, Send message to the administration
Visual effect:
@emotion <0-80>
- Quickly send emotions@dance
- Quickly send dance@heart <1-2>
- Quickly send heart emotions@showauras
- Enable/Disable showing auras on your screen@nonpcchat
- Enable/Disable displaying of NPC chats@hidepets
- Remove pets on your screen
- Go to your rented Guild Location (Guild House)@channelsave
- Enable/Disable IRC channels like #main #trade@dailyinfo
- Shows information about the Daily Rewards (time left)@nohats
- Disable/Enable display of all hats (headgears) on the screen@specwoe
- Warp you to the castle in spectator mode (only available during WoE)@sjob
- Show Jobs of all players from your Party and Online Friends list in the chat.@partybuff / @spb
- Show party buffs in party list@partyexp
- Enable/Disable of recieving exp from party exp share@showcast
- Skill casting time will be show the next casted skill@preserve
- Remove Preserve skill status@jailtime
- Shows the time remaining until release from prison@showdelay
- Enable/Disable skill fail by delay notifications@showusedelays
- Show your usable item delays (pots, etc)@showskilldelays
- Show your skill delays, with adelays detection result@showcastdelay
- Skill delay time will be show the next casted skill@stream
- Gives an announcement in the chat about the start of your stream (available only for streamers, please request in tickets if you stream us)@adopt <char_name>
- Adopt a child. You should be in the same party with your child/parents when you use this command@nointegration
- Disable in-game messages from Discord and Telegram. Your messages in the game will also not be visible in Telegram and Discord@return
- returns you into your savepoint@events
- shows a countdowns until next auto-events@woe
- shows a countdown until next woe
- Join an Battle Royale event@joinevent
- Join an event that is started manually by our Game Masters@gomvp
- Join the MvP event which is started manually by our Game Masters
Battlegrounds (BG):
- Enable/Disable announces about Battlegrounds status@order
- Announce for all your Battlegrounds team (Leader only)@leader
- Transfer leadership to another Battlegrounds member@reportafk
- Report player that seems like afk@bgranked
- Ranked leader board@bgregular
- Regular leader board@battleinfo
- Show battle information about your kills/deaths@guildskill
- EC/RS/RG/BO shortcuts to use guild skills (eg. @guildskill EC - Recall)@leavebg
- Leaves from Battlegrounds. You get deserter status.@bgvote
- Opens Battlegrounds vote menu (vote for change leader / kick player)@bghelp
- To kick player that violates bg rules (only for bg helpers)
War of Emperium (WoE):
@woereg / @woeregister
- Register/Unregister on WoE. By default, registration is allowed for all@woereg list
- Shows the list of registered members from your guild@woereg block <char_name>
- Block someone from your guild to register on WoE. Command is available only for Guild Leader@woereg allow <char_name>
- Disable block of someone from your guild to register on WoE. Command is available only for Guild Leader@guildskill <EC/RS/RG/BO>
- Shortcuts to use guild skills (eg. @guildskill EC - Recall)@autorefresh
- Auto-refresh your screen in time you setted up (works only on woe locations)@partybragi
- You can recieve dances effect only from your party mate
- Create a duel@invite
- Invite another player to duel@accept
- Accept invitation to duel@reject
- Reject invition to duel@leave
- To leave a duel
@autobuy / @ab
- Open buyingstore for item you want to buy (example: @ab 8903:1:999,8904:1:999)@autotrade / @at
- Allows you to leave your vender online@whosell / @ws
- Shows who is selling specific item@whobuy / @wb
- Shows who is buying specific item@jumptowhosell / @jtws <zeny/cp/wb Item ID/Part of Item Name>
- Jump to seller with the cheapest price@jumptoseller / @jts
- Jump to seller
LGP (Lite Graphic Plugin) - Analog of the RCX:
@lgp <on/off>
- Enables/Disables LGP.@square <on/off/1-14>
- Display square around the character. It is possible to change the size.@circle <on/off>
- Displays circle around the character.@aoes <on/off>
- Displays colored areas of skills: Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, Meteor Storm.